Laundry Lessons
As mom, I am drowning in chores to do around the house that need caught up on most the time; sometimes I am right on top of it and rocking it like a boss, but maybe that is because I spent the whole last week of December cleaning to start the new year with a clean house. Yeah that didn't really happen, but i can say I tried.
We all now the saying the laundry and dishes can wait till tomorrow they are only little once… I know all too well when my kid yells from his room that he is out of clean underwear because he only has 6 pairs since he is constantly growing out of clothes everytime I turn around.
At this very moment the hallway leading to my laundry room is nothing but land mines of sorted dirty laundry. That is right today is laundry day! I waited till the 6th day and my kid is out of clean underwear and pants. So he is still in pajamas till it is done.
My first load today was towels started at approximately 8:05 am this morning and I haven't yet had my morning cup of coffee, i like to live dangerously. I take full advantage of this first load washing to gather the rest of the dirty laundry around the house such as hidden socks in the crown molding on the decorative pillars, because my boys are throwing there nasty smelly socks at each other.
As soon as that first load is done I have my oldest in that laundry room pushing those towels into that dryer so he can load and start his laundry in the wash This task is repeated 3 times I help with bits of it, but all 3 put laundry in the wash and get to push that button and push it in the dryer and also start it, and take everything out. On days where we are stuck in the house or i have the patients they all fold and put it away.
As soon as that first load is done I have my oldest in that laundry room pushing those towels into that dryer so he can load and start his laundry in the wash This task is repeated 3 times I help with bits of it, but all 3 put laundry in the wash and get to push that button and push it in the dryer and also start it, and take everything out. On days where we are stuck in the house or i have the patients they all fold and put it away.
The times when they are outside playing i swap their laundry for them and shame on me really I just leave it in a basket on the living room coffee table for while, this is a practice I have frequented because I really dislike folding laundry and putting it away, and there are days where the struggle with my kids is just not worth it.
For the next week or 2 even 3 we are digging through baskets of laundry on the coffee table in the living room for that days clothes.
Another practice of bad habits I have Is washing the same load over for 3-4 days, yeah mom brain and of course it is my own clothes. I am putting myself last and at the bottom of the list and I am again out of underwear and I can't wear any of my jeans or leggings cause they are covered in Nutella and snot or in the wash getting washed for the 5th time.. (sigh)
I have come to notice when I put off laundry I get overwhelmed sometimes by it. Those are the days as i am putting that first load in i am praying That God gives me the patients and diligence to get through the day and finish this task, because I know my kids will be testing me with doing this chore when it comes to folding and putting it away, and I really don't want to wash my favorite jeans 3 times.
Another practice of bad habits I have Is washing the same load over for 3-4 days, yeah mom brain and of course it is my own clothes. I am putting myself last and at the bottom of the list and I am again out of underwear and I can't wear any of my jeans or leggings cause they are covered in Nutella and snot or in the wash getting washed for the 5th time.. (sigh)
I have come to notice when I put off laundry I get overwhelmed sometimes by it. Those are the days as i am putting that first load in i am praying That God gives me the patients and diligence to get through the day and finish this task, because I know my kids will be testing me with doing this chore when it comes to folding and putting it away, and I really don't want to wash my favorite jeans 3 times.
I sometimes have to remind myself that this is possible. Like in Matthew 19:26 “Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
All things are possible with God, including that huge pile of laundry. Clean or dirty it's possible!
With every load I take a moment and thank God for the opportunity I have to bond and share this chore with my boys, to teach them life skills they will need one day when they venture out in the world.
So today, as I finish this last load of laundry I have come to realize that dirty laundry is like the sins we have made, the day we accept Christ in our hearts is when the wash cycle starts, our sins are washed away, not all sins are easily forgotten, much like stains not all can be removed, but they fade in time if treated and washed over and over. Even a new stain needs a spot treatment. That's where the bible and prayer come in they are our stain removers. We ask God for forgiveness to wash away our sins. We dry our clothes and put it all away where it belongs. That laundry that is freshly clean is placed with the rest of your clean put away laundry that Favorite T-shirt with the stain is all so put away. This is fellowship, surrounding ourselves with fellow followers of christ.
This is that moment of the day where all the laundry is done till bedtime.
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