Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Basic Hospital bag

This is a Basics of what you should pack in you Hospital bag!**moms doing home birth, words from a friend that did this, have a small bag of basics ready just in case! I do hope you wont need to use it.
** This will vary place to place as some areas do not supply near as much as others.
** Find out what your Hospital/ Birth Center Stay requirements are. This will also help with deciding what to pack and how much.
**All things are optional if you need or not, list has been pulled from popular baby sites such as Baby Center, The Bump and few others and compared together to create this list.

Mommy Bag

  • A carry on luggage bag, or duffle bag, over night bag is perfect size!
  • Night gown or what ever PJs you want
  • your own underwear ( i get cheap cotton granny panties that I toss later)
  • Sanitary Menstrual pads (if you don't want to use the ones there, heavy day kind)
  • A shawl or bathrobe ( I was up walking the halls with my first, but hospital supplied one that matched my hospital gown)
  • Slippers or flip-flops ( I went with flip flops for the shower)
  • A pair of warm socks. ( hospitals aren't the warmest of places)
  • Breast pads, lanolin cream, and nursing bras ( the cream and bra if you are nursing other wise just pads)
  • A feeding cover (if you are expecting visitors, optional)
  • Your phone and charger
  • Toiletries and cosmetics (oral care, hair care, makeup, ect...)
  • Lip balm
  • Comfortable loose fitting outfit to wear home (maybe even a couple for your stay to feel "normal")
  • Body lotion or massage oil
  • Hospital file/notes and Insurance info.
  • Birth plan (if you have one, very optional, will have a basic list and maybe example in another Doc)
  • Camera ( if you don't hire a photographer)
  • Snacks for you and Partner. (check with you hospital/ birth center on rules on this, and if you are having a C-sec this will be gone over with you)
  • Pillow and Blanket from Home for comfort (some hospitals/ birth centers require at least a 12-24hr stay)
  • consider your pump (nice to talk to a Lactation specialist on proper uses and Questions, and they can help you with it also)
  • a book/ magazines
  • Heating pad
  • Snacks and Drinks ( varies place to place and nice if you go into labor middle of the night)

Baby Bag
You can pack with your things or in Diaper bag

  • Going home Outfit ( NB and 0-3)
  • outfit or 2 for the stay (Optional also varies country to country)
  • Pacifier
  • Car seat
  • Baby Blanket from Home.
  • Bottle you plan to use.

Daddy's bag
If you live a short distance or far away, also is the Medical facility policy if he can stay or not come into play.
Vary country to country also.

a basic change of clothes, deodorant, oral care, and most men are happy.

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