Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Baby list

*This is a basic List of items needed for your little one. Not every one will need/ use everything listed here.
*By each Item is a general research and average of the number you  will need, Some it will be more other less.
*For Items such a rash creams/ointments, soaps, lotions, ECT... If at all possible get a Trial/Sample/Travel size.
that way you can see if you like the product and it works with baby or not.
*Also going Sent free items are nice (babies have sensitive skin and some perfumes can be to much)
* For Formula be sure to check expiration date and note the lot number in case of recalls. I do not recomend pre-stocking a lot, it may not agree with baby.
*Items needed for later watch for them to be on sale and clearances in your area to get a good deal!
*All Items are optional as we all have different needs, wants, and just what works best for us.

Baby's nursery checklist:
  • Crib/ Cradle
  • Bassinet
  • Nursery Decor
  • Changing Table
  • Dresser
  • Bouncer Seat
  • Rocking Chair
  • Walker (not needed till later)
  • Nightlight

Bedding checklist:
  • Crib bedding Set
  • Crib sheets (2-3)
  • Bassinet sheets (2)
  • Receiving blankets (8)
  • Baby blankets (3)
  • Crib Mattress
  • Mattress protective pads (2-3)
  • Baby Pillows ( Not recommend till toddler age, but I get my kids a DOB memory pillow)
  • Bumpers (personal option do your own research and make you own choice)

Feeding essentials: ( this varies from moms who will nurse full time, pump, and formula feeding)
    • Nipples
    • Baby bottles (3:4oz (120ml) and 3:90z(260ml) they come in packs of 3 typically )
    • Breast pump (Manual or Electric are options)
    • Breast milk storage containers (bottles or storage bags)
    • Bottle liners (if using that kind of bottle)
    • Bottle brush (also good for pump parts)
    • Bottle rack (optional)
    • Baby bibs (8 to start)
    • Teethers
    • Breast pads ( Reusable or Disposable, will want some even if formula feeding, till milk drys up)
    • Pacifiers ( start with 1 pack, some babies are picky and others don't like at all)
    • Highchair
    • Nipple Cream (nursing and pumping moms look into what is best for you)
    • Nursing pillow ( also goor for bottle feeding and when they start learning to sit)
    • Nursing bras (4-6)
    • Bottle Sterilizer (optional)
    • Bottle warmer (optional)
    • Formula (always ask your pediatrician for recommendation)
    • Burp cloths (*8 if baby spits up more...)

    Bathing and Health:
    • Baby bath tub (optional, i use my kitchen sink with a towel)
    • Bath sponge (optional)
    • Baby soaps and lotions (look to top recommend trial sizes to start)
    • Tearless shampoo (look to top recommend trial sizes to start)
    • Bath toys (for when child is bit older)
    • Baby oil (optional)
    • Hooded towels (4-6)
    • Ointment/ rash cream
    • Baby thermometer
      • Baby powder (optional)
      • Baby nail scissors/clippers ( i recommend 2, i seem to always miss place 1)
      • Baby brush/comb
      • Nasal aspirator
      • Sunscreen

      Diapering checklist:
      • Cloth diapers and/or
      • Disposable diapers
      • Diaper Wipes (cloth or Disposable)
      • Wash cloths (4-6)
      • Diaper ointment/powder (check with top about sizing)
      • Diaper Bag( take you time looking to find one that will work for your needs)
      • Sealable trash can (optional)

        Clothing checklist: (With clothing a good start is 8* one for each day of the week and one for laundry day)
        • Onesies*
        • Pajamas*
        • Sleepers*
        • Socks and booties ( i used socks for hands)
        • Baby Shoes (optional, nice for pictures)
        • T-shirts/ long sleeve*
        • Mittens (socks are another option)
        • Fleece outfits (perfect for winter and chilly days)
        • Sweater
        • Jacket
        • Bonnet
        • Cap
        • Hats
        • Hangers
        • Laungerige/ bra bag (I use this for all babies small socks, mittens, hats, and such even now)

          Safety items:
          • Car seat (we invested in a base for each vehicle for the carrier)
          • Baby monitor ( Do your research! {i got angel care with breathing mat, and i got more sleep that way})
          • Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm(most homes already have this)
          • Safety gates (not really needed till baby is getting mobile)
          • Safety locks/latches (not really needed till baby is getting mobile)
          • Corner and edge bumpers (not really needed till baby is getting mobile)
          • Outlet covers (not really needed till baby is getting mobile)

            • Bath thermometer
            • Stroller (Optional, many Options, single to multiple seats depending on how many you are having and have)
            • Toys
            • Mobiles (Nice for crib and baby to watch)
            • Books on parenting (optional, but closest thing to an owners manual LOL)
            • Photo Albums
            • Air Cleaner (optional)
            • Humidifier or Vaporizer
            • Storage Baskets (i like this for Diapers and other items.)
            • Pack 'n' Play Travel bed (optional)
            • Baby carrier/wraps/ slings. (Optional with many options)

            Basic Hospital bag

            This is a Basics of what you should pack in you Hospital bag!**moms doing home birth, words from a friend that did this, have a small bag of basics ready just in case! I do hope you wont need to use it.
            ** This will vary place to place as some areas do not supply near as much as others.
            ** Find out what your Hospital/ Birth Center Stay requirements are. This will also help with deciding what to pack and how much.
            **All things are optional if you need or not, list has been pulled from popular baby sites such as Baby Center, The Bump and few others and compared together to create this list.

            Mommy Bag

            • A carry on luggage bag, or duffle bag, over night bag is perfect size!
            • Night gown or what ever PJs you want
            • your own underwear ( i get cheap cotton granny panties that I toss later)
            • Sanitary Menstrual pads (if you don't want to use the ones there, heavy day kind)
            • A shawl or bathrobe ( I was up walking the halls with my first, but hospital supplied one that matched my hospital gown)
            • Slippers or flip-flops ( I went with flip flops for the shower)
            • A pair of warm socks. ( hospitals aren't the warmest of places)
            • Breast pads, lanolin cream, and nursing bras ( the cream and bra if you are nursing other wise just pads)
            • A feeding cover (if you are expecting visitors, optional)
            • Your phone and charger
            • Toiletries and cosmetics (oral care, hair care, makeup, ect...)
            • Lip balm
            • Comfortable loose fitting outfit to wear home (maybe even a couple for your stay to feel "normal")
            • Body lotion or massage oil
            • Hospital file/notes and Insurance info.
            • Birth plan (if you have one, very optional, will have a basic list and maybe example in another Doc)
            • Camera ( if you don't hire a photographer)
            • Snacks for you and Partner. (check with you hospital/ birth center on rules on this, and if you are having a C-sec this will be gone over with you)
            • Pillow and Blanket from Home for comfort (some hospitals/ birth centers require at least a 12-24hr stay)
            • consider your pump (nice to talk to a Lactation specialist on proper uses and Questions, and they can help you with it also)
            • a book/ magazines
            • Heating pad
            • Snacks and Drinks ( varies place to place and nice if you go into labor middle of the night)

            Baby Bag
            You can pack with your things or in Diaper bag

            • Going home Outfit ( NB and 0-3)
            • outfit or 2 for the stay (Optional also varies country to country)
            • Pacifier
            • Car seat
            • Baby Blanket from Home.
            • Bottle you plan to use.

            Daddy's bag
            If you live a short distance or far away, also is the Medical facility policy if he can stay or not come into play.
            Vary country to country also.

            a basic change of clothes, deodorant, oral care, and most men are happy.

            Diaper Bage Check list for the new mom

            Ok So as a seasoned mom I Joined a baby birth due group and became an Admin... anyways So may questions popped up such as what Do I need in the diaper bad... So I made a list afer some research and looking at may lists put out there
            So don't feel the pressure if you don't want or need it. It will have a mix of needs for baby and you as mom!
            (I personally as a vet mom use a large handbag/purse with basics, wont lie it gets dis organized and quick!)

            • First off your Dipper Bag! get one that will fit your needs. and many of them come with a changing pad of some sort.
            • Diapers- one for every two hours and a few extra ( I personally 8-10)
            • Diaper wipes (these also work as hand wipes for mommy)
            • Changing pad ( this is possably something that came with your diaper bag)
            • Diaper cream/ointment
            • Plastic bags or wet bag for dirty clothes and diapers (optional)
            • 1-2 changes of clothes (blow outs happen!)
            • Shirt for mommy (spit up happens)
            • Blanket (optional)
            • Hat for sun or cold (id just put it on the baby)
            • Bottles and formula (for a lighter load, measure powdered formula into clean bottles or a formula carrier and mix with water at the destination, or pack bottled water)
            • Burp cloths and bibs (couple cloths)
            • Teething gel/Tablets or rings (i dont bother till they are teething)
            • Pacifiers (pack with nipples in a clean bag or some come with fitted covers)
            • fever and pain reducer, antihistamine ( more for you at this point)
            • Emergency phone numbers and information
            • Nursing Cover (breast feeding and optional on your comfort)
            • Nursing pads and Menstrual pads.

            ***I do this and leave it in my car during warm seasons
            Keep another small bag with the very barest necessities — diapers, wipes, and burp cloths, change of clothes as well as pacifiers and bottle and formula ( they have easy packets now use a far out date) if you use them — to grab and go for a quick, unexpected trip or you forget the diaper bag at home.

            Summer Adventure Kit!

            So, as a mom I like to be ready for anything and everything that can happen to myself or kids. This includes the random adventure out of town away from home ( this is anything more than 30 minutes away to me). With this being our first full summer in Texas I decided to do a summer vehicle kit that I like to call my "Adventure Kit." and so my summer vehicle safety kit search began.. I didn't find much so all I did was add onto my winter kit.

            Much like the winter safety kit I keep it in my vehicle year round now. I added quite a bit to my Summer kit vs what my winter kit had. I have 2 totes in my truck. One in the bed and one in the cab, but you can keep both in your trunk or back seat or what ever you choose to do. This just works best for me. Also a "diaper bag" honestly I only use it when we go to the zoo, library, museums or something like that.

            ok so for my first tote inside the truck! ( I am a Target mom, but you can get this stuff anywhere you like and adjust to the age of your kids too.)

            *a tote ( the one I have in the cab is clear)
            *Baby wipes ( I don't care how old your kid is they are a mothers Best friend!)
            *take and toss cups ( I have sippy and straw kind)
            *Few snacks things will not melt. ( bars, cereals, crackers ect)
            *I have a kiddo potty training so a change of shorts and undies with a wet bag or can use ziplock too.
            *So I have some meds, children's Tylenol, Motrin, allergy med, adult Tylenol, Itch cream
            *Gold bond powder (this is for when we go swimming or to the beach, put on kids feet to dry them get sand off.)
            *1/2 Package of diapers if your kiddo has slowed down growing.
            *Disposable changing pads (also great for when kiddo spills drink in their car seat.)
            *Silica gel packets ( will explain at the end)

            Now my 2nd tote that I keep in bed of my truck. this is stuff that I don't need right now its back up its something I don't need in the cab.
            *WATER! I have 2 gallons and then a case of bottles!
            *Juice boxes ( this can be in the cab box if youd like.
            *snacks ( can never have to many crackers and gold fish with kids)
            *small sandwich bags ( we like to go on hikes and collect rocks and other cool things)
            *Sun screan
            * bug spray
            *Disinfectant wipes
            *Matches (I have the striker taped in place and not by the matches my luck its strike its self)
            *FIRST AID KIT. This is a must for every vehicle small or big!

            Last thing for the trunk is the Potty can! Now I grew up where the next bath room was good 2 hours away so we had a coffee can with TP and garbage bags to use.
            *Cleaned coffee can
            *store plastic bags ( this is for when kiddo has to poop on the side of the road)
            *Toilet paper or toilet wipes
            and Silica gel pack.

            Okay, now to explain the Silica gel packs, they are my best friend since moving down south where it is stupid humid. Put them in your Diaper bag, your purse, where every you have a product that could get gross from humidity. they will keep diapers dry and from getting crispy.  

            A few items i have since added are 4 candles in votive, and a flashlight.

            So this is my Summer adventure Kit! I hope this helps you get started on what you need in yours.
            Stay safe and have fun this summer!

            Tuesday, May 30, 2017

            Prepare for Winter!

            Okay, So with being from up north and growing up in sub-zero temperatures 9 months out of the year I have learned how to find the warmest gear that will hold of to the chilling winds.

             First off winter coats, Just cause it is big puffy and looks warm, doesn't mean it really is warm, trust me.  So what do you do? Place your hand mid way up the sleeve, place your mouth on outside of it and blow as hard as u can. If u feel air or warmth in your hand inside the coat; move on that coat isn't meant for cold and windy winters. Do this with snow pants too.
            ( brands I recommend are Columbia and Northface, 1, because of quality 2, because the zippers have lifetime warenty!)

            Now the Gear: make sure boots are water resistant if not grocery bags around your feet before putting your boots on. ( I highly recommend this for your kids when it's warm enough for them to be out)
            You can also add layers of socks for warmth too.
            Hats and mittens: I suggest get a few pairs you might loose a glove or your kids will for sure. Make sure that hat covers your ears. They do make water resistant gloves too.

            The Vehicle Safety Kit! **This is a Must have for year round**
            You may want to get a small tote to put this all in so it is in one location. Blanket(s), candles and matches, flash light, batteries for the flash light (keep separate), snakes that don't freeze (ie: crackers, cereal bars, nuts, ect..), water, small shovel, glow sticks, small bag of cat littler or sand, first aid kit, ice scraper & jumper cables.

            If you have NEVER driven in Ice & snow.
            first: Remember 4 wheel drive is to get places not stopping! 2wd or 4wd you will slide if you slame on those breaks!
            To stop, tap your breaks; do not slam on them there is nothing for your tires to grip in winter.
            Allow your self plenty of time to stop with space between you and person in front of you. Start slowing down before the light or sign.
            Do NOT TAILGATE! You will more than likely cause an accident.
            Drive SLOW. Take your time. If it takes you 10 minutes on a nice day to get the work. Leave 20-30 minutes earlier so you are not rushing!
            Keep your gas tank above 1/2 (avoid going below 1/2)! This will prevent your fuel lines from freezing, and also if you do get stuck you have gas!
            Budget to get your car a checkup and winter ready,
            Tires! Seasonal tires are fine as long as the tread is good. Other wise snow tires are nice studded tires are nice too (if legal in your area). If you need tires get them you can't stop with bald tires!
            Lights make sure your head lights, break lights and turn signals are all good!

            Blizzard driving: OKay avoid going out if you can help it, but if you must... While traveling in a blizzard DO NOT fallow the person in front of you. If they go in the ditch you will too! so you focus on the road not that car. Keep a good space and watch the road.
            *I hope this help many of you that are new to a real winter.  stay safe and warm this winter!

            (as I come up with more I will add it also pictures to come soon)